July 19, 2022

Action Leads to Clarity

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***This podcast was updated on May 5, 2023.***
You can listen to the episode titled, Fun Announcement! Exciting update. :)

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Have you ever felt confused when making important decisions in life? 

Maybe you've been in a situation where not knowing what to do meant a lot of wasted time and energy. We all go through these periods, but instead of taking action, we sit 
and wait until we feel "ready." The reality is that action leads to clarity, not the other way around. Once you take the first step, even if it's in the wrong direction, that's when you start gaining clarity.  

🎧 In this episode, we'll talk about being stuck, lacking clarity, and the two things you can do to move forward and find direction in your life.

What You'll Learn:

~ How action leads to clarity in life
~ The two things you can do to find direction in life
~ Understand that energy in motion creates momentum
~ Why it's important to take action now
~ How to overcome the lack of clarity in your life
~ What "taking action" can look like for you
~ Why right now is the best time to take action

One common excuse people make when pursuing their dreams is, "I want clarity before I can get started." It makes sense to seek clarity before you pursue anything because you want to get it right. But the truth is, action leads to clarity. Do something, act, and see how it goes. The great thing about clarity is that once you begin taking action, you gain more clarity.


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